Susu Pertumbuhan: Apakah Anak Zaman Sekarang Lebih Membutuhkannya?

Susu Pertumbuhan: Apakah Anak Zaman Sekarang Lebih Membutuhkannya?

Susu Pertumbuhan: Apakah Anak Zaman Sekarang Lebih Membutuhkannya?-Ilustrasi-Berbagai Sumber

Children nowadays live in a different era from children in the past. They have easier and more access to various sources of food, including formula milk. They also get better and more affordable health care. 

They are also more exposed to information and education about nutrition and health. All these things contribute to the nutritional and health status of children nowadays that are better.

However, this also poses new challenges. Children nowadays face the problem of double burden of malnutrition, which is undernutrition and overnutrition. 

On the one hand, there are still children who experience stunting, wasting, or anemia due to malnutrition. 

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On the other hand, there are also children who suffer from obesity, diabetes, or hypertension due to overnutrition. 

One of the factors that affect this nutritional problem is the consumption pattern of formula milk.

Formula milk does have benefits for children, especially for those who do not get exclusive breastfeeding or who have allergies to cow’s milk. 

However, formula milk also has risks if consumed excessively or not in accordance with the needs of children. Formula milk contains protein and minerals that are higher than breast milk, which can cause excessive nutrient intake for children. 

This can trigger too rapid growth, fat accumulation, and metabolic disorders. 

In addition, formula milk can also reduce the intake of solid foods that should be the main source of nutrition for children aged 6 months and above.

Therefore, the provision of formula milk to children should be done wisely and in accordance with the recommendations of doctors or nutritionists. 

Formula milk should not replace breast milk or solid foods, but only as a complement or supplement of nutrition. Formula milk should also be adjusted to the age, weight, height, and nutritional needs of children. 

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