Susu Pertumbuhan: Apakah Anak Zaman Sekarang Lebih Membutuhkannya?

Susu Pertumbuhan: Apakah Anak Zaman Sekarang Lebih Membutuhkannya?

Susu Pertumbuhan: Apakah Anak Zaman Sekarang Lebih Membutuhkannya?-Ilustrasi-Berbagai Sumber

Susu pertumbuhan adalah produk susu yang bermanfaat bagi anak, tetapi bukanlah produk susu yang wajib dikonsumsi oleh anak. 

Anak zaman sekarang membutuhkan susu pertumbuhan jika mereka memiliki kekurangan gizi atau kondisi khusus yang memerlukan asupan gizi tambahan. 

Namun, anak zaman sekarang juga harus mengonsumsi makanan bergizi lainnya, seperti sayur, buah, daging, ikan, telur, dan kacang-kacangan. 

Dengan pola makan yang seimbang dan bervariasi, anak zaman sekarang dapat tumbuh dan berkembang secara optimal, seperti halnya anak zaman dahulu.

How Growth Milk Can Boost Your Child’s Development (And When to Avoid It)

Growth milk is one of the milk products that are intended for children aged 1-12 years. 

This milk contains various essential nutrients that can support the growth and development of children, such as protein, calcium, vitamin D, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids. 

But is growth milk really needed by children nowadays? What about children in the past who did not consume much formula milk, but still healthy and strong?

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According to history, formula milk was discovered in the 1860s as an alternative for mothers who could not breastfeed their children. 

Before that, children usually got breast milk from their biological mothers or wet nurses, or were given animal milk such as cow, goat, or sheep. 

In addition, children were also given other foods such as pap, which is flour diluted with water. At that time, there was no research on nutrition and health of children, so the provision of such foods was considered sufficient.

However, this does not mean that children in the past did not have nutritional problems. In fact, many children died due to malnutrition, disease, or infection. 

The infant mortality rate in the 19th century reached 200 per 1000 live births, much higher than in the 21st century which is only about 30 per 1000 live births. In addition, children in the past also tended to be shorter and thinner than children nowadays.

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