Susu Pertumbuhan yang Salah Bisa Berbahaya bagi Anak

Susu Pertumbuhan yang Salah Bisa Berbahaya bagi Anak

Susu Pertumbuhan yang Salah Bisa Berbahaya bagi Anak-istimewa-Berbagai Sumber

Untuk menjaga kesehatan gigi anak, pilihlah susu pertumbuhan yang tidak mengandung gula tambahan dan batasi pemberian susu hanya pada waktu tertentu, seperti saat sarapan dan sebelum tidur.

Juga, ajarkan anak untuk membersihkan giginya setelah minum susu dan rutin periksakan giginya ke dokter gigi.

Oleh karena itu, orangtua perlu berhati-hati dalam memilih dan memberikan susu pertumbuhan kepada anak.

Jangan tergiur dengan iklan atau klaim yang tidak jelas. Konsultasikan dengan dokter anak atau ahli gizi untuk mengetahui jenis, takaran, dan frekuensi pemberian susu pertumbuhan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan kondisi anak.

Ingat, susu pertumbuhan bukanlah pengganti makanan utama, melainkan hanya sebagai pelengkap nutrisi untuk anak.


Wrong Growth Milk Can Be Dangerous for Children

Growth milk is one of the milk products that are intended for children aged 1-12 years.

This milk contains various nutrients that are needed to support the growth and development of children, such as protein, calcium, iron, vitamins, and minerals.

However, not all growth milk is suitable for children. There are some things that parents need to pay attention to before giving growth milk to children, such as the type, dosage, and frequency of milk administration.

If you choose or give the wrong growth milk, children can experience various side effects that harm their health, such as:

- Constipation.

Growth milk that does not contain fiber can cause children to have difficulty defecating or constipation.

Especially if children drink too much milk and consume less nutritious foods, such as vegetables and fruits.

To prevent constipation, choose growth milk that contains prebiotics, which are fibers that can help the health of the digestive tract. In addition, give children enough water and encourage them to exercise regularly to stimulate bowel movements.

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