Inilah Sepatu-sepatu Unik yang Bikin Merinding, Ada yang Terbuat dari Porselen hingga Akar Pohon

Inilah Sepatu-sepatu Unik yang Bikin Merinding, Ada yang Terbuat dari Porselen hingga Akar Pohon-Ilustrasi-Berbagai Sumber
These are the Unique Shoes that Make You Shiver, Some are Made of Porcelain and Tree Roots
Shoes are one of the important fashion items for many people. Besides functioning as foot protectors, shoes can also show one's style and personality.
However, not all shoes are made with common and comfortable designs.
Some shoe manufacturers in the world create unique and shiver-inducing shoes, which might only be suitable for display as works of art.
Here are some examples of the unique shoes that make you shiver that come from various countries.
Porcelain Shoes from Hungary
Laura Papp is a young designer from Hungary who makes porcelain shoes as part of her postgraduate research.
These shoes consist of soles made of porcelain and rubber, and pegs and knobs that stick to the feet. These shoes weigh less than one kilogram, but can withstand a load of 160 kilograms.
Although they look beautiful and elegant, these shoes are certainly not practical for everyday use.
These shoes can also cause pain and blisters on the feet if forced to walk.
These shoes are the result of Laura Papp's experiment to explore the relationship between body and object.
Knee-Bending Shoes from South Africa
Leanie van der Vyver is a designer from South Africa who makes knee-bending shoes as a form of criticism of unrealistic beauty standards.
These shoes have high heels that curve forward, forcing the wearer to bend their knees and walk in an unnatural way.
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